How do you teach a car to drive? For many self-driving car makers and artificial intelligence researchers, the answer starts with data and sharing.
Hear from luminaries from the world of artificial intelligence including: Chris Nicholson, CEO of Skymind; Liam Paull, founder of Duckietown; Karl Iagnemma, CEO and co-founder of nuTonomy; Mary “Missy” Cummings, professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Duke University; and Francois Chollet, AI researcher and author of Keras.
Hear from luminaries from the world of artificial intelligence including: Chris Nicholson, CEO of Skymind; Liam Paull, founder of Duckietown; Karl Iagnemma, CEO and co-founder of nuTonomy; Mary “Missy” Cummings, professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Duke University; and Francois Chollet, AI researcher and author of Keras.